WellTech Resources is currently is helping Fairway Resources to implement and deploy OpenWells. Our team had successfully rolled out the first phase to the office and field users.
- Developed a solution to ensure that IT infrastructure was capable of supporting OpenWells bidirectional sync processes in all locations.
- Performed testing to aid in optimizing Citrix performance for users in the field and office
- Evaluated and redesigned a working IT field support model for all business units
- Customized OpenWells screen interface, picklists, codes, security, navigation tree, and soft training
- Created EPS templates and printed reports
After the successful deployment of OpenWells to the drilling and completions, WellTech Resources was contracted extend the project scope. Our team is currently working on phase II to further develop codes (Phase codes, Activity Phase, NPT, Cost codes, etc.) for specific business’s need. Our team is constructing to map workflow processes and design and deploy OpenWells to the additional functional groups. We will be training office techs and field supervisors with targeted training materials.
Below is a testimonial from our client.
“Well Tech has been essential in our company-wide implementation of OpenWells. From the beginning they were great about understanding the needs of our company, the scope of the project we were asking for, and the path to a successful implementation. That path includes everything from database administration to training field personnel. We have not always given them generous deadlines but they have still come through every time we’ve needed them. I would highly recommend their services.”
T. White
Regulatory and Production Analyst
Fairway Resources
538 Silicon Drive, Suite 101
Southlake, TX 76092